Morning clouds define my day…

 Morning clouds define my day!

Painting the morning sky!

A sky filled with fluffy clouds forecast a bright and happy day for me, hence I give a few brush strokes here and there in the morning.

”The morn is up again, the dewy morn,

With breath all incense,and with cheek all bloom,

Laughing the clouds away with playful scorn,and living as if earth contained no tomb,-”

Lord Byron

5 thoughts on “Morning clouds define my day…

  1. What a lovely verse from Byron, and what a sky! I love the thought of painting it with clouds — and isn’t it true that clouds add that certain something to a sky? I like a pure, blue sky as a background for photos, especially of flowers, but for sunrises and sunsets, clouds are a “must”!


    1. Absolutely Linda! A sun that melts into the clouds that surround him makes a magnificent evening or morning sky. Deep blue sky has its own beauty. But a cloudless sky is boring. Thank you for your good words. Yet to read your new post thoroughly. I couldn’t see the photos in the post yesterday. The green trees and blue sky combination is a favourite of mine too!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m sorry you couldn’t see the images — if you have any more problems, let me know. It might just be one of “those” things. These computers and such can be touchy!


  2. Hold your head high my dear friend so that you will never miss the beautiful sky…loved the ways of depicting the sky with your poetic heart..


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